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Mountain scene 🌈 Aloha ! 📒 스케치북 제 13 권의 채움을 완료했네요. “By separating the image into richly colored foreground, neutral distance, and blue sky you can create the illusion of grandeur and space.” 🏖 Happy weekend. Mahalo ~ . . 스케치북 제 13 권 채움 완료 . 스케치북 제 14 ~18 권은 진행 중… 📚 . Mountain scene (44/50) . Grumbacher Acrlic 9*12”, 140lb, 300G . Round 6, Flat 10 . Daler Rowney Acrylic . Mark Daniel Nelson, . #아크릴화 #아크릴화그리기 #아.. 더보기
Crumpled paper… 🌈 Aloha ! “One of the many challenges in rendering a multifaceted object is to ensure that the surface changes are visible, yet the object is not fragmented by too much contrast between the individual planes.” 🏖 Happy weekend. Mahalo ~ . . Crumpled paper (43/50) . Grumbacher Acrlic 9*12”, 140lb, 300G . Round 6, Flat 10 . Daler Rowney Acrylic . Mark Daniel Nelson, . #아크릴화 #아크릴화그리기 #아크릴페인팅 #acryli.. 더보기
Glass jar 🌈 Aloha ! Mark Daniel Nelson 작가의 projects 중, 개인적으로 가장 어려운 과제 같습니다. 마음에 들지는 않지만, 기록이라 여기고 Posting 합니다. . . Glass jar (42/50) . Grumbacher Acrlic 9*12”, 140lb, 300G . Filbert 8 . Daler Rowney Acrylic . Mark Daniel Nelson, . #아크릴화 #아크릴화그리기 #아크릴페인팅 #acrylicpainting #acrylicpaintings #dailydrawing #일상드로잉 #책한권따라하기 #50smallpaintings 더보기
Blue cup 🌈 Aloha ! 딸 아이를 방금 공항에 내려 주고 왔네요. 이제 올해 졸업식때 👩‍🎓 보기로 하고 집에 와서 아이 방을 둘러보니, 가방이 가득 차서 미처 못 가지고 간 옷가지들이 눈에 밟히는군요. 늦은 밤입니다. “Glass, hard plastic, and polished metal will reflect their surroundings very clearly.” . . Blue cup (41/50) . Canvas panel 5*7” . Filbert 8 . Daler Rowney Acrylic . Mark Daniel Nelson, . #아크릴화 #아크릴화그리기 #아크릴페인팅 #acrylicpainting #acrylicpaintings #dailydrawing #일상드로잉 #책한권따라하기 #5.. 더보기
Tin cup and cherry 🌈 Aloha ! “Learning to render reflective materials, such as metal, glass, and plastic, is always effort well spent.” . . Tin cup and cherry (40/50) . Grumbacher Acrylic 9*12”, 140lb, 300G . Filbert 8 . Daler Rowney Acrylic . Mark Daniel Nelson, . #아크릴화 #아크릴화그리기 #아크릴페인팅 #acrylicpainting #acrylicpaintings #dailydrawing #일상드로잉 #스케치북한권끝내기 #책한권따라하기 #50smallpaintings 더보기
Old boat 🌈 Aloha ! “Old, weathered objects, with their accumulation of dents, pits, and scratches, are fascinating subjects for painting.” . . Old boat (39/50) . Canvas board 8*10” . Round 6, Flat 9 . Daler Rowney Acrylic . Mark Daniel Nelson, . #아크릴화 #아크릴화그리기 #아크릴페인팅 #acrylicpainting #acrylicpaintings #dailydrawing #일상드로잉 #책한권따라하기 #50smallpaintings 더보기
Chair… 🌈 Aloha ! “Painting an object with surface variations, such as wood or rocks, can be rather complicated if you try to render the texture after the object has been painted.” . . Chair (38/50) . Grumbacher Acrylic 9*12”, 140lb, 300G . Filbert 8, Flat 9 . Daler Rowney Acrylic . Mark Daniel Nelson, . #아크릴화 #아크릴화그리기 #아크릴페인팅 #acrylicpainting #acrylicpaintings #dailydrawing #일상드로잉 #책한권따라하기 #50smallpain.. 더보기
Clothespin 🌈 Aloha ! 희망 찬 새해가 밝았습니다. Happy New Year!! 🎆 🎊🐯 “Creating a painting of an everyday object like a clothespin may seem an easy task. However, it’s narrow silhouette and intricate parts make it a challenging subject.” . . Clothespin (37/50) . Grumbacher Acrylic 9*12”, 140lb, 300G . Round brush 6 . Daler Rowney Acrylic . Mark Daniel Nelson, . #아크릴화 #아크릴화그리기 #아크릴페인팅 #acrylicpainting #acrylicpainting.. 더보기